TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membre de la SCNAT

Le SGV promeut la science des animaux de laboratoire, la protection de ces animaux et les considérations éthiques dans les expérimentations animales. Ces buts sont atteints grâce à l'organisation de cours de formation et par le transfert d'information auprès de la communauté scientifique.en plus

Image : LoveIsAFastSong, photocase.deen plus

50th Edition of the SGV Newsletter 2019

In this newsletter you will find the summary of the SGV activities of the past year’s as well as the announcement of the program for the upcoming SGV meeting 2019.

SGV Pic NL 2019.jpg

50th Edition of the SGV Newsletter 2019

Welcome to the 50th edition of the SGV newsletter.

In this newsletter you will find the summary of the SGV activities of the past year’s as well as the announcement of the program for the upcoming SGV meeting 2019.

Download the 50th edition of the SGV Newsletter

All that remains to us is to wish you a nice autumn time and looking forward to meeting you in Zürich at our SGV Meeeting and General Assembly on December 12th.

Download SGV Meeting Programm ZH 2019

