TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membre de la SCNAT

Le SGV promeut la science des animaux de laboratoire, la protection de ces animaux et les considérations éthiques dans les expérimentations animales. Ces buts sont atteints grâce à l'organisation de cours de formation et par le transfert d'information auprès de la communauté scientifique.en plus

Image : LoveIsAFastSong, photocase.deen plus

About us

The Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde SGV) was founded in 1987. We serve as an intermediary between animal welfare and research for the benefit of humans and animals. We are a key partner for the veterinary authorities, the scientists and the public. We are dedicated to promote the 3Rs (REPLACE, REDUCE, REFINE), the animal welfare and ethical considerations in animal experimentation.

These aims are achieved by organizing continuing education courses and promote the communication within the scientific community by several ways:

Every year a two-day scientific meeting is organized, as well as a symposium at the annual meeting of the Life Sciences Switzerland(LS2).

Our association initiates and supports different networks and working groups promoting the aims of the SGV.

Each year our society awards a prize to an outstanding contribution to the 3Rs and animal welfare in the field of laboratory animal science.

Financial support may be granted to young researchers attending training courses or meetings and persons who will actively promote and implement the 3Rs.

The SGV financially supports projects related to the goals of the SGV with the “SGV 25 years” fund.

Our society represents the views of its members towards the authorities and the general public. We cooperate with other scientific associations both in Switzerland (SCNAT, LS2, …) and abroad (ICLAS, …).The SGV is one of the constituent association of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations. (FELASA).

Updates of our activities are communicated to our members via the SGV Newsletters. The official journal of our association is Laboratory Animals as for all other constituent associations of the FELASA.

Picture of rabbits in research made available by Novartis
Picture of rabbits in research made available by Novartis


Eligible as full members are persons who hold appropriate qualifications in biological, veterinary or medical sciences or who, by their experience and attainments, qualify as respected specialists in the field of laboratory animal science. Eligible as institutional members are persons or organizations intending to support the activities of the society.

The membership fees are currently 50.-CHF per year for an full member and 300.- CHF per year for an institutional member.