TRAINING (2.4.1)
Member of SCNAT

SGV is dedicated to the promotion of laboratory animal science, as well as the furthering of animal protection and ethical considerations in animal experiments. These aims shall be attained by organising education and the flow of information within the scientific community.more

Image: LoveIsAFastSong, photocase.demore

SGV online meeting 2021

The SGV is organising the annual meeting online to ensure that it can be held even if the COVID conditions change in autumn 2021. It consists of 4 half-days (Friday afternoon). Each half-day counts as a half-day of continuing education.

Mensch (Symbolbild)
Image: Robert_Kneschke,

Topics: Reproducibility crisis: where are we now? / Nutrition and Microbiota / News from the lab and animal facilities / Can animal experimentation take advantage of deep learning tools? / Contribution of animals and alternatives in developing COVID vaccines / Were we ready to face a pandemic? / Home-cage new technologies / Communication session
