TRAINING (2.4.1)
Member of SCNAT

SGV is dedicated to the promotion of laboratory animal science, as well as the furthering of animal protection and ethical considerations in animal experiments. These aims shall be attained by organising education and the flow of information within the scientific community.more

Image: LoveIsAFastSong, photocase.demore

On Animal Experimentation

Picture of gerbil in research made available by Novartis

Animal experimentation: are we allowed to do that? Researchers of the Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association give answers to frequently asked questions.

Animal experimentation is a highly emotional topic. For the progress of human and veterinary medicine and the generation of scientific knowledge, animals are used. Is this justified? When is the conduct of animal experimentation questionable? The discussion on how to weigh the disadvantages and the benefits of animal testing is in full swing. There is no clear-cut answer to this question. But finding an answer is an ongoing task in social discourse, in which the natural sciences represent but one voice among many.

As natural scientists of the Swiss Laboratory Animal Association, we are committed to making our contribution to this discussion and to providing answers to the most pressing questions regarding animal experimentation in Switzerland. But it is up to you to make your own ethical judgement.

Portal on animal research