TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membro della SCNAT

La SGV promuove la scienza degli animali da laboratorio, la protezione degli animali e le considerazioni etiche nella sperimentazione animale. Questi obiettivi saranno raggiunti per mezzo dell’organizzazione dell’istruzione e del flusso d’informazioni all’interno della comunità scientifica.di più

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USI logo
Immagine: USI

Laboratory Animal Caretaker (100%)

The Comparative Biology Facility at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB, Bellinzona, Switzerland) is looking for a motivated animal caretaker to join the team operating in the structure.

The facility provides modern infrastructure, strict internal policies, experienced staff and well-trained personnel. It also works according to the 3R principle, the Culture of Care and in full respect of ethical standards and legal requirements.

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Immagine: UniGE

Le laboratoire du Professeur De Simone de l'Université de Genève recherche un-e gardien-ne d'animaux aquatiques, hautement motivé-e, pour participer au bon fonctionnement de son animalerie hébergeant des poissons.


Campus Biotech
Immagine: Campus

Fondation Campus Biotech cherche gardien(ne) d'animaux / technicien(ne) animalièr(e) à Genève.


ETH Logo
Immagine: ETH Zürich

ETH Zurich sucht für Tierbetrieb ein/eine

Labortierpfleger:in (m/w/d), 50%-100%, Zürich, befristet

Die ETH Zürich hat am Standort Hönggerberg ca. 20 Professuren angesiedelt, deren anwendungsorientierte Forschungsbereiche sich auf eine gemeinsame Infrastruktur stützen, zu der auch ein modern eingerichteter Tierbetrieb gehört. Wir suchen für unseren Tierbetrieb im ETH Phenomics Center (EPIC) per sofort oder nach Vereinbarung eine:n Labortierpfleger:in (m/w/d) . Die Stelle ist befristet mit Aussicht auf eine Festanstellung.

Link zum Stelleninserat


Eligible as full members are persons who hold appropriate qualifications in biological, veterinary or medical sciences or who, by their experience and attainments, qualify as respected specialists in the field of laboratory animal science. Eligible as institutional members are persons or organizations intending to support the activities of the society.

The membership fees are currently 50.-CHF per year for an full member and 300.- CHF per year for an institutional member.