TRAINING (2.4.1)
Mitglied der SCNAT

Die SGV setzt sich für die Förderung der Versuchstierkunde und das Vorantreiben des Tierschutzes und der ethischen Erwägungen bei Tierexperimenten ein. Diese Ziele sollen durch die Organisation der Ausbildung und des Informationsflusses innerhalb der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft erreicht werden.mehr

Bild: LoveIsAFastSong, photocase.demehr

51st edition SGV Newsletter

In this newsletter you will find the summary of the past year’s SGV activities as well as info about the new SGV/SAVIR flyer on animal research that has been developed in a joint effort with SAVIR (Swiss Association of Veterinarians in Industry and Research) in collaboration with EARA (European Animal Research Association). The Flyer, a highlight for SGV and SAVIR for 2020, has been posted on our SGV webpage, see link below. Please note that SGV has a new web appearance within the SCNAT environment that you will find here


Welcome to our 51th edition of the SGV newsletter! We hope this newsletter finds you well in these times of crisis.
The year 2020 has presented us with a number of personal and professional challenges. Nearly all
personal meetings and conferences were cancelled transformed into virtual one.

